Sunday, August 22, 2010


We believe that naturist beaches should be legalized in Malta. As part of the European union and its freedom of expression for its citizens, Malta should allow nudist beaches to function without any fear from the authorities. Naturist activities are very moral and beneficial to the tourist industry.

Naturist unofficial beaches in Malta have been first established some 70 years ago by British military families. Lets make them legal asap! 

Clear signs identifying the nudist areas should then be erected.These signs should include warnings on indecent behaviour which also includes unauthorized photo taking and Inappropriate sexual behaviour. Any person breaching the restrictions should be heavily penalised. 

Saturday, August 21, 2010


“When you strip without being ashamed, and you take your clothes and put them under your feet like little children and ‘trample’ them, then you will see the Son of the (eternally) Living One” (The Gospel of Thomas, 37).

Despite that, as time goes by, church following is decreasing, the church in Malta still exerts a lot of influence. It is common knowledge that the church in Malta view nudism as something “evil”. But, does it have to be this way?


Archaeological excavations in Israel suggest that nudism was acceptable. Latrines often consisted of many “holes” side by side which were open to all sexes including children. Obviously there was no swimwear and probably people swam nude.


There was a time when nudity was accepted by the church. Nude was regarded as “beautiful”, an example of this is the Sistine chapel. At a point then “modesty” took hold in the church and nude art was covered by drapes etc. Why was there a sudden shift towards the new “morality”? The answer lies with human error!


"The Bible actually mentions nakedness quite often. If you carefully study the passages that talk about physical nakedness and pay close attention to the context in which they're found, you'll discover that it's never described as being inherently shameful or inherently sinful. After all, we were created "in the image of God" (Genesis 1.27), "naked" and "not ashamed" (Genesis 2.25). And God declared all this "very good" (Genesis 1.31). After Adam and Eve sinned, they made loincloths for themselves out of fig leaves (Genesis 3.7). That seems like an odd thing for a husband and wife to do, don't you think? In Genesis 3.11 God asked, "Who told you that you were naked?" Question: According to the Bible, who else had talked to Adam or Eve in the Garden besides God? Answer: the serpent, also called the devil or Satan (Genesis 3.1, Revelation 12.9). Just as Satan had lied to Adam and Eve about what would happen if they ate the forbidden fruit, he also lied to them about the goodness of their God-given nakedness. Adam and Eve believed Satan when he told them to hide the way God had made them, and to fear their nakedness (Genesis 3.7,10). They should never have listened to Satan's lies about their nakedness ... and neither should we!" copied from:

For more detailed information see:


Many Christians not only practice nudism but are helped by nudism! In some instances, nudist Christians find that this naturist lifestyle brings them closer to God  (for eg.

I am proud to say that I had met on separate occasions at Ghajn Tuffieha, both a nudist priest and a nudist nun. I must say that at first I felt embarrassed but later on I found that that experience confirmed in me that nudism is not something immoral. Later on, while overseas, I had witnessed a nude wedding mass at a nudist beach and had a girl friend who was a priestess.


Since I am by no means a theologian, I suggest that you contact one of the pro nudist Christian sites.
The Biblical Naturist ( welcome your questions or challenges. They will answer your questions from a theologically conservative Biblical perspective.


Friday, August 20, 2010


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The police have started it again! During the past few weeks the water police conducted several "raids" at Ghajn Tuffieha and Gnejna Bay in which they gave citations to several nudists and at least one lady  tourist who was swimming topless and was due to leave Malta the very next day!

Apart from these incidents, we all know about the cases in the press for example the case with the Italian students (1,2).

It is a shame that police are wasting so much resources on such an innocent naturalist activity when they should be directing their efforts to serious problems such as drugs on the streets, vandalism, noise pollution, dangerous driving etc etc. The police seem to be scaring tourists away as if we are such a rich country that we can do without them! The lady tourist mentioned above, said that it was her third visit to Malta and after her ordeal with the police she said it was her last visit. Why did the police insist of giving her a citation when she was leaving Malta the very next day and when her only "offence" was that of being topless at an unofficial nudist beach which was established by the British forces around the second world war?!!!

Several well known guides to Malta describe some beaches as unofficial nudist beaches (eg, 3). Photos with topless bathers are also often included in promotional material. It seems to me that the government is allowing false information to be given to tourists and then when they come to Malta they may end up with a fine or embarrassed by the police for what they assumed was an innocent activity which is well tolerated in Malta.


On the day of the 3rd and 7th of October, 2011, despite that the swimming season was closed, the police ALE squad conducted another raid in which they gave citations to about seven persons including two tourists. One tourist lady when she failed to produce identification was asked to dress up so that she will be taken on the police rubber dinghy to police HQ.